Insecure Attachment Disorder

insecure What are Insecure Attachment Disorders? Learn more…

There is now an understanding of 4 patterns of attachment between child and caregiver. These four patterns have continued to be studied. Three of the patterns are viewed as insecure. According to Attachment Theory, the four patterns are described as:

  • Secure
  • Ambivalent
  • Avoidant
  • Disorganized

As you can see, attachment answers 2 questions all children ultimately seek to answer based on how they were given care by their caregivers: Am I worthy of being loved? Are other people reliable and trustworthy?

How do you know if you, or a loved one, struggles from insecure attachment? Any formal mental health diagnosis is the venue of a qualified mental health practitioner. Labels are helpful only to understand the continuum of this condition and its resulting behaviors. InsecureAttach1

Can’t I just move on from the past and just try to be ‘better’ in my relationships today? It would be great if it were that easy. However our beliefs about ourselves and the world are formed in those ‘formative years’ (ages 1 through 5) and then reinforced through the rest of one’s childhood. Call me to see how hypnotherapy can help you reprogram the unconscious mind and have your feelings, thoughts and behaviors flow from your new beliefs. Call me (509) 448-5660.

How do I help myself, or a loved one, overcome the insecure attachment?  You can never change anyone but yourself. To think we can evoke change in another is part of codependent thinking. If you’re disappointed n yourself for reacting to a partner’s dependence,, or jealousy, or addiction, or controlling or any other challenge, you can choose to respond and not react. You can learn to not let another’s behavior trigger your fear or insecurities and instead be able to think from your higher mind, instead of the lower limbic system I teach 3 methods you can easily do to get into your higher centers of thought within seconds..

What do you mean there is a physiological difference in the brain from those securely attached and those who struggle with insecure attachment? Isn’t this just blaming our moms again? No. Blaming others doesn’t help. If you are an adult or curious teenager who has been struggling with jealousy, controlling, manipulating your love interest, anger when you feel a love interest pulling away (whether real or imagined) or let other’s opinions define you and give yourself up just for a relationship, there is a better way. You deserve to feel confident, calm and loving to yourself and to those you care for irrespective of your past. Call me (509) 448-5660.

I don’t want to relive my painful childhood. Does healing require that? Your unconscious mind has built in protections. It will never reveal more memories or challenges than you can handle. You will be able, with professional guidance, learn what your auto pilot programming holds about relationships, family, genders roles, safety and security or anything related to the challenge.

Does the brain ever ‘re-wire’ or evolve as an adult? Yes. With the help of PET (Positive Electron Tomography – radionuclide tagging of glucose and imaging the brain to see what parts of the brain pick up the glucose to certain pictures or descriptions of events), research has shown repeatedly that the glucose activity in the brain changes from pretreatment to post-treatment of effective mental health interventions.

InsecureAttach3 Remember, hypnotherapy is a faster, safer and proven method to change our physiology, our unconscious programming, beliefs and behaviors. Call me for these and other questions. Wouldn’t today be a great day to have a new beginning for yourself and your behaviors?





Call me and let us get beyond the labels to real help. (509) 448-5660