What is Hypnotherapy
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is not stage Hypnosis!
Most people confuse stage hypnosis with clinical hypnotherapy. Easy to do. Stage hypnosis sends the stage volunteer’s conscious mind off while introducing harmless suggestions to the literal subconscious mind. Sending the critical thinking, discerning conscious mind off is necessary in stage hypnosis because the conscious mind would easily debunk silly suggestions like the audience is naked or that the man sitting next to us is pinching us. Stage hypnosis was never intended to heal painful memories, stop a painful habit such as an ineffectual communication pattern or long held addiction.
Hypnotherapy is a focused trance state that allows us to gently traverse the ‘critical factor’ layer that separates the judgmental conscious mind and the ‘auto-pilot’, feeling based subconscious mind. It is thought that people spend 97% of their time in auto-pilot. Ironically, hypnotherapy is the process of waking one up FROM their auto-pilot and having both minds work cohesively together not in opposition to each other.
It is not necessary for you to be physically relaxed in order to be hypnotized. Many of my clients suffer from chronic pain conditions. We are in trance states all the time and not necessarily relaxed when we are in them. For example, ever watched a tense movie and held your body in a tight grip and completely ignored someone trying to get your attention because you were so captivated by the movie? Many people can admit to being preoccupied while at a stop sign and when the subconscious mind intuitively senses it is free to flow into traffic, while the conscious mind remains fixated on its issue, the subconscious mind guessed at which direction you were headed and you find yourself going in the opposite direction than consciously desired.
The benefits of hypnotherapy include:
- Medical Hypnosis
- Eliminate or Reduce Physical Pain
- Alleviate Fear of Medical/Dental Procedures
- Anxiety or Fear Relief or Reduction
- Reduction of Chemo Side Effects
- Eliminate or Reduce Fear of Cancer Recurrence
- Deep Relaxation and Stress Reduction Techniques
- Relief of Phobias about needles, claustrophobia, surgery, vomiting, dental dams, etc.
- Enhance Beliefs for Improved Healing and Return of Health
- Emotional Healing
- Clearing dysfunctional beliefs & response patterns and create new beliefs
- Clearing shocks/trauma from cellular memory
- Completing an interrupted developmental cycle
- Reparenting yourself to deserve to live, love, good health and a rich, satisfying life
- Learning to nurture our body and our mind
- Behavior Modification
Alfred Adler stated that “All behavior speaks to a need.” All of our memories and auto pilot habits are held in the unconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is a relaxed, effective and successful way to adapt behaviors that hurt or sabotage you to more powerful behaviors that better meet your needs. Suggested uses for hypnotherapy include, but are not limited to:
- Trichotillomania
- Nail biting
- Cutting on yourself
- Bladder Shyness
- Addictions
- Anger Self-Regulation
- Self-Discovery
- accessing memories, repressed or fragmented parts of self
*personal growth and transformation